TAUC's Recognition and Reward system (Bonusly) clearly supports the Mission and Values.
Bonusly is transparent, so you know specifically why you are bonused and you can share success with colleagues.
Bonusly is peer-to-peer, so you are trusted and empowered to best identify exceptional contributions.
Bonusly is real-time, so you can recognize great work or great shifts. Feedback is most effective when frequent, specific, and real-time.
You can choose which Rewards you like most, such as Gift cards, TAUC Swag, W2W Passes, or Experiences.
Each Bonus is directly linked to at least one TAUC Value.
Bonusly allows everyone to recognize and reward other coworkers for exemplifying the TAUC Values.
Each month, everyone gets an allowance of 200-500+ TAUC Golds ($20-$50+) to reward others.
You can save up bonuses you earn to spend on items such as gift cards or experiences.
When you see someone go above and beyond, simply “+” the amount, “@” a person, “#” a value, and type a reason.
Real-time recognition is good.
We encourage you to recognize and reward people throughout the month because unused allowances expire at the end of the month. Procrastinating is bad. Real-time is good.
The bonuses that you earn or receive from others don't expire. Your allowance is to be used each month. You can save up your earnings and spend them how and when desired.